letSave Terms and Conditions
letSave is a 100% free loan finder service that also allows you to get free, no-obligation quotes for car insurance, life insurance, funeral cover, or motor warranty.
We are committed in ensuring that your details are secure while offering you the most effective online experience.
By agreeing to our Terms and Condition, you permit us to send your details to our partners to contact you in attempt to offer you the best quotes.
Based on the information you have provided, we will match your details with multiple providers that will offer you comperative loan interest rate or low insurance premius.
We are liable to information insurance laws to which we completely buy in and are in strict consistence with.
We have built up a safe server to store your own data on our database that has worked in shields and firewalls.
As the Internet is certainly not a protected medium of correspondence, We can't ensure the security of any
data you put on our site or send to us by means of the Internet.
We are not, and won't be, in charge of any harms you or others may endure because of the loss of secrecy of any such data.
To limit the conceivable dangers related with the arrangement of individual information,
each online application on this site is encoded utilizing 128-piece encryption,
the most recent and most intense encryption innovation accessible.
We may share the information you submit with outsiders engaged with us in the process of
providing with best quotes or less interest rates loans.
Policy Changes
We will once in a while refresh this Privacy Policy to reflect organization and client criticism. We urge you to intermittently survey this approach keeping in mind the end goal to be kept educated of how we are ensuring your data.
In utilizing this site you are esteemed to have perused and consented to the terms and conditions.